Member Resources

Congratulations on joining the Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce! By joining the chamber, you have shown your commitment to your business and community, along with almost 600 other business leaders. The chamber is your partner, working for business and business issues to provide you with:
- Connections – The chamber delivers opportunities for business professionals like you to connect and increase visibility in the community.
- Exposure – The chamber offers promotional opportunities, promotes commerce, provides internet visibility, and acts as a resource center for your business, as well as people and organizations outside our community.
- Advocacy – The chamber supports our communities, furthers economic development by creating and retaining jobs, and by lobbying on your behalf for fair and reasonable laws and regulations.
- Validity – Chamber Membership has been shown to favorably increase how shoppers think about your business by 44%, and they are 63% more likely to purchase goods or services from a chamber member. (The Shapiro Group)
- Front Door – When visitors and businesses come to North Oregon Coast, the AWACC is often the first place they stop or call. We provide the information they need to make sure their visit is memorable, and their move is seamless. We are a great resource for local, regional, and state visitor information.
Your first 30 days with us are very important for setting you up for success! Listed below are the next steps to completing your onboarding process so we can better serve you and your business. Look for our future emails detailing this process step-by-step to make it easier for you to navigate your member benefits!
Not receiving any emails from us? Make sure to add to your safe sender list. Check your spam folder on occasion to ensure our communications didn't slip through.
Your business listing is part of our Chamber directory. It's important to log in regularly to keep your information up to date, as well as access our many other benefits on your own time. Here is all the information you need to gain full access to your account and start setting up your member page!
You can create your account here to start using your benefits immediately.
After you have created your account, you can log in here..
To receive an email with your login information, type your email address in the appropriate field.
Having difficulties? Watch our tutorial on how to log into your account here.
If anyone is looking for a business, service or attraction, they can search for it by name or category on our website. Your landing page on our website,, includes a description, logo, photos and a link to your website and Facebook. It can even feature a short YouTube video. Your membership provides excellent opportunities for your organization to attract new customers and share information with our community, the region and even internationally. Don't frustrate your customers - make sure everyone has access to complete, up-to-date information!
Important reminder: Completing your profile is critical to gaining increased visibility and exposure!
How to Update Your Profile Information:
- Log into your account here.
- Click on the settings button in the top tool bar. There are two ways to check your information on this page:
- The first is to look at the summary which will give you a good idea as to what items are still incomplete as they will be indicated with an exclamation point. You can then click update to continue to those incomplete sections.
- The second way is to click thru each section of the company menu located to the left of the screen.
- Next, click on Organization Information. This is where you can update your contact information. Make sure your current contact information is correct including your physical address, current phone number, email address, and website URL.
- Once your contact information is up to date, click on the Website Information button. This section deals with your listing as others will see it.
- If the information already saved in the Organization Information section is the same as what should display for the public, you can check the Use Organization Information box located directly under the Web Page Content heading. No further updating needs done in this area. If you desire different public information than what is listed under your organization information area, make sure the Use Organization Information box is unchecked so you can manually enter the information into the correct fields.
- Next, you are going to want to place any of your organizations social network links and check the boxes of the ones that you would like to display for the public. For more information, visit our Social Networking tab located on the Membership Resources page.
- In the Keywords section, you should mention any specialties that your organization does that are not already in your title or description, these often include products and brand names.
- Continue working down the page and entering in all the requested information into the correct fields.
- Save your changes!
- Categories menu displays the category that your membership has been assigned for look up purposes. For more information, please visit our Navigating Categories tab on our Membership Resources page.
- Under the Logos section is where you will upload your company's logo. For more information, please visit our How To Upload Logos tab on our Membership Resources page.
- Click photos and you may start adding photos to your member gallery page.
- Click videos and you can link a YouTube video to your account. Just make sure your upload your video to YouTube first and then copy the share link and paste it here.
- Finally, double check that your map pin is correct. A pin will show for your business on your membership page, so you’ll need to select if you’d like to upload your own image or use google maps. When the pin shows, it will show the address from your business information
- If the map pin is in the incorrect place, drag the pin on the map until it is in the correct location. You can also manually enter the GPS coordinates if you know them.
- Make sure to save your changes when you finish.
Having troubles updating your information? Watch this tutorial to help you navigate Chamber Master and its features.
The categories menu displays the category that you have assigned your business for look up purposes. When setting up your account, you will only be able to select a single category. However, your business may qualify for multiple! Below is a complete list of every category that is offered on our webpage. Please make note of every category that your business qualifies for and email Chris so we can add them to your listing.
Remember, this will optimize your results when customers are searching for a particular service so make sure to include every category that your business qualifies for!
Having difficulties figuring out which categories your business qualifies for? Contact Chris at 503-325-6311 or email him.
Have you uploaded a business logo to your online profile yet? It’s important to grab attention and make a strong first impression! A logo is the foundation of your brand identity, separates you from competition, and is expected by your audience.
Important Reminder: If a larger image is uploaded it will be downsized appropriately while maintaining the aspect ratio so not to distort the image. Smaller images are not recommended. Only image files of type .gif, .jpg, .jpeg and .png are allowed for placement in these locations.
How To Upload A Logo:
- Log into your account here
- Click on the 'Organization Information' button located on the left-hand toolbar of the screen.
- Click on the 'Logos' button that pops up under 'Organization Information' when you click it.
- Under the Logos tab you will find:
- The member page header which places an extra graphic at the top of your member page, which is a nice way of giving your member page a coordinating look with your website, however this is optional and not all companies will have a header on their page. For best results, upload an image that is 1200 x 225.
- The next field is uploading a Member Logo which is required. This shows on your public member listing and other key locations of our business directory. For best results, upload an image that is 600 x 600.
- After that your will need to upload a Search Results Icon, which is the same as your member logo except smaller in size, and is required. For best results, upload an image that is 200 x 200.
- Make sure to save your changes when you have finished!
Don’t have a business logo? Get support from the Clatsop Small Business Development Center at their website here or call them at (503) 338-2402. They can help you develop a marketing plan and find resources for your business so you can succeed.
Having troubles updating your information? Watch this tutorial to help you navigate Chamber Master and its features.
As part of your new member on-boarding, one of the most important benefits the chamber provides is helping people find you. Having a working website linked from our site to yours is one of the best ways to boost your business is to optimize your search engine results. You can do this by making sure your website link is correct and by also providing additional links to your social media pages. Watch this short video here to better understand the importance of search engine optimization.
How to link your website to your profile:
- Log into your account here
- Click on the 'Company Information' button located on the left-hand toolbar of your screen.
- Next, click on the 'Organization Information' button located in the menu that appears after clicking on 'company information'
- In the field labeled 'Website URL', enter the appropriate link for your business's personal webpage.
- Next, click on 'Website Information' and find the field labeled 'Website URL Text'. Website URL Text is used in place of the full website address specified in the Website URL field.
- For example, the URL can instead be displayed as Visit My Company by specifying Visit My Company as the URL Text.
- Make sure to save your changes when you are finished.
Be sure to follow the chamber on Facebook and Instagram to see new business and event announcements, as well as tag (and be tagged) by the chamber and fellow members! You can also follow our YouTube channel for access to our instructional videos to help you make the most of your membership. Take a moment to watch this video about why it’s important to engage online.
How to link your social media pages to your profile:
- Log into your account here
- Click on the 'Company Information' button located on the left-hand toolbar of your screen.
- Next, click on the 'Website Information' button located in the menu that appears after clicking on 'company information'
- Under the Social Network Services section, begin entering the corresponding links to the appropriate fields. Make sure to check the boxes of the social media links you would like to have publicly displayed on your profile and verify the URLs provided.
- Save your changes when you are finished.
Follow us!
Having troubles updating your information? Watch this tutorial to help you navigate Chamber Master and its features.
One of the many benefits of your chamber membership is the standing invitation to all our Business After Hours and Networking Breakfast events. It’s important to meet other chamber members to gain contacts, connections, and build long-lasting business relationships. Take a moment to watch this short video on the importance of face-to-face networking.
You can access our events calendar here
Our Business After Hours events take place every 2nd Thursday of every month at 5:30pm.
This is one of the most popular networking events where we offer the opportunity to visit our existing, and new, chamber member locations to learn about who they are and what they do. This brings our members together in a fun-filled atmosphere of raffle and cash prizes while encouraging networking and interaction over food and beverages provided.
Our Networking Breakfast events take place every last Tuesday of every month at 7:45am.
These events will give you a unique opportunity to discuss problems you’re facing with like-minded individuals, receive third-party feedback, and provide an informational session to help you navigate running your business.
Promote your Business
Attendees and hosts may provide items to be given away as door prizes during these events for additional exposure.
Interested in Hosting a Chamber Event?
We have available dates for hosting either the Business After Hours or the Chamber Breakfast. This is a great opportunity to share your story about your business or organization with other members. Call Chris at 503-325-6311 or email him.
You can also fill out an application here to submit your event to the chamber
The Chamber has a variety of monthly networking opportunities, including the Chamber Networking Breakfast and Business After Hours events. Attending these events can help you meet other chamber members, let them know about your business and build the very important business relationships that make your company grow.
We know building a strong network takes time and we're here to help! Listed below are some tips and videos on how to get ahead and make the most of your time at these special events.
We understand that time is precious and not every event is the right fit for every member. Take a look at what we have to offer, contact us to ask questions, and make a commitment to have your company represented at the events that make the most sense and deliver the most value for your business.
Networking Event Strategy Tips:
- Set goals when you or your staff members attend events of how many people and perhaps whom you would like to meet.
- If you’d like a warm introduction, ask a chamber staff member in advance or on site to introduce you to other members.
- Remember, networking is less about generating sales leads than it is about building long-term relationships that ultimately lead to a steady stream of referrals.
- Balance your reference between pursuing sales and building relationships to achieve the best results.
- Bring business cards with you to not only hand out to connections you make while at the event, but to also use it to enter into raffles and cash-prize drawings!
Click here to learn more about networking strategies that you can use at these events!
Facing a challenge in your business? Have a problem that needs a solution?
Third party feedback is a great way to develop new ideas and creative solutions to business challenges, and what better potential pool of contributors than your fellow chamber members. Through your chamber membership you have exclusive access to a network of business owners with which to share your challenges, identify solutions, and float your ideas. You’ll be surprised at the enthusiasm business owners have in helping other businesses succeed. You’re not in this alone, your chamber network is here to help you be successful. Don’t know where to start? We can help! Contact the chamber for some direction and we can help you find an event that will benefit you the most.
Click here to learn more about the importance of third-party feedback.
There is strength in numbers
There’s no better way to get exposure for your business within the chamber network than by getting more of your team on the playing field. Did you know that when your business becomes a member of the chamber so do all of your employees? That means your staff will be welcome at most every chamber event and can take advantage of the many features of membership that we extend to you. More of your team on the playing field means more visibility for your business! So, share the chamber calendar with key members your staff and encourage them to take part in our network.
Click here to learn more about your strength in numbers.
After the Event, Follow up!
A few days after the event, send follow-up emails to anyone you met that you’d like to continue networking with. Make sure to personalize each email, letting each person know you enjoyed meeting them and mentioning something that you talked about.
Networking is one of the greatest tools you have, and by being prepared for the event, professional once you get there, and proactive with your follow-up, you can make sure you get the most out of it. Beyond that, just try to relax and have some fun!
What is a Chamber ribbon cutting?
A ribbon cutting is the ceremonial opening of a brand-new or newly renovated/relocated business that has opened within the last six months. It can inaugurate an organization’s first
day of business, or it can take place weeks after the business’ soft opening. Because the ribbon cutting marks a very significant moment in the business’ history, this is also a great photo opportunity. The ceremony gives the business owner or manager a chance to say a few words to those gathered. Business owners have used this time to publicly thank their
financial backers, their employees, their friends, and family, and/or their business partners. They also take the opportunity to talk about what their business does. You must be a new or current Chamber member in good standing (including dues paid) for the Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce to participate in your ribbon cutting.
Who qualifies for a ribbon cutting?
Astoria - Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce is available to assist with your ceremony if your business has:
- Opened its doors within the past six months
- Moved to a new location, or acquired new owners
- Has been significantly remodeled or has expanded its current location
What are the benefits of holding a Chamber ribbon cutting?
By hosting a ribbon cutting, you can:
- Introduce both the public and Chamber members to your business
- Announce your ribbon cutting on the Chamber’s Community Calendar
- Familiarize the public and Chamber members with your product/services
- Familiarize the public and Chamber members with your physical location
- Begin a customer base
- Generate leads and sales from attendees
- Publish a photo of your ribbon cutting in the Chamber’s newsletter with a distribution list of about 2,000!
Is there a cost to have the Chamber participate?
There is no cost to host a chamber ribbon cutting for a qualifying milestone event.
Is the ribbon cutting my business’ event or a Chamber event?
This is your event. The Chamber will gladly assist you with the following:
- Notify the Chamber’s Board of Directors and Leaders Circle members of your ribbon cutting, encouraging their attendance
- Invite local officials on your behalf (upon request)
- List your ribbon cutting in the Chamber’s weekly and monthly newsletter
- Have a member of the Chamber’s Team provide congratulatory remarks (upon request)
- Provide a list of Chamber member caterers (upon request)
- Provide contact list of local media outlets (upon request)
- Bring the “BIG scissors” and ribbon
- Take a video of the event and publish it on YouTube and share on Facebook
While the Chamber will extend the above-mentioned, we strongly encourage you to conduct your own PR campaign to increase the attendance and awareness of your business’s opening. To ensure a successful, well-attended event, you should also consider inviting your business partners, financiers, contractors, employees, customers, friends, and family to be with you to celebrate this momentous occasion in your business’s history. Please understand that you should not rely solely on the Chamber to attract your audience.
What do we do?
Because your ribbon cutting is your event, there are no set rules. To make your event successful, carefully consider the following:
- Schedule your event at least two weeks in advance. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are usually the best days during the week for businesspeople, not earlier than 9:00 a.m. and avoiding later evening functions. We’re sorry; the Chamber cannot assist with ribbon cuttings after 5:00pm or on weekends and holidays unless coordinated with a Business After Hours event. Also, we ask you to please take a moment to cross-check your preferred date and time of celebration with the Astoria - Warrenton Chamber’s events calendar to prevent scheduling conflicts with Chamber events.
- Determine who will cut the ribbon. The owners or top executives most frequently do the honors, but each business is different and can pick whomever they like.
- Who will be in the video and/or photos? Some businesses will take multiple photos with various groups of people before cutting the ribbon. Photos might include employees, family, Chamber members, business partners, and Leaders Circle members for example.
- Your remarks or speech. This is usually done when everyone is gathered before cutting the ribbon.
- Invite everyone you know! Invite your family, friends, past, current, and potential customers, business associates (including your accountant, banker, and property owner,) suppliers, your employees, the media, neighboring businesses, and government officials.
- Consider having giveaways, especially logo items that guests can take back to their offices. The Chamber is happy to provide you with members who can help you create gifts.
- Food and beverage are not required, but for open house events, it makes a nice touch. The Chamber is happy to provide you with members who can help you with catering.
- Prepare a quick speech and be sure to have plenty of brochures available.
Other details to enhance your event
Refreshments, drinks, door prizes, and decorations are optional and up to you. Many businesses add these extra touches when conducting a public grand opening in conjunction with the ribbon cutting.
What do I say in my speech?
Here is a recommended speech you can adapt for your business or organization. We recommend you include your business name, location, hours, and what you offer. Include any special deals or offers, and what make you special or unique.
“Welcome to Generic Business located at 123 Alphabet St. on the corner of/next to XXX. We are open M-F from 9 am to 5 pm and offer XXX. This week only, we are offering a grand opening sale of this product, which you can’t find anywhere else in town. Check out our website at or find us on Facebook and Instagram @GBAW. We are excited to be part of the Astoria – Warrenton community and look forward to seeing you here real soon!” A special invitation. The Chamber can sell you a member mailing list if you would like to mail an optional special invitation to the entire membership. This is especially encouraged if you are conducting a grand opening with prizes, business specials, and refreshments. Lists are $25.
Organize a separate PR campaign. If you would like to invite the public, you should explore other advertising avenues and/or consider sending a press release to the local media. You can do this yourself or hire a marketing company to help you with this. The Chamber can provide you with a membership directory to locate a marketing firm.
What have other businesses done to make their ribbon cutting and/or grand opening unique?
- Sent a special invitation to the whole Chamber membership
- Sent a special direct mail piece/invitation to area residents and/or non-member businesses
- Sent a special direct mail/email invitation to local elected officials (Mayor, City Commissioners, County Commissioners, etc.)
- Conducted a separate PR campaign to try to grab media attention
- Invited lots of clients, employees, and/or board directors from their organization.
- Invited corporate staff from out-of-town corporate headquarters
- Offered complimentary appetizers and beverages from fancy to simple, from a few selections to a large buffet and/or chocolate fountains, champagne fountains, and sweets
- Invited sports or business mascots and superheroes in costumes
There are lots of great websites that provide tips on planning and executing a great event. Google “ribbon cutting ceremonies” for the top sites.
To schedule your Chamber Ribbon Cutting, email Chris here.
Note: The Chamber cannot guarantee the number of guests in attendance. Pre-registration with the Chamber for Ribbon Cuttings is required with two weeks advance notice. Events are scheduled based upon availability. Ribbon cuttings are conducted Monday – Friday from 9:00am – 4:00pm unless coordinated with a Business After Hours event. No more than two ribbon cuttings will be conducted in the same day. Contact Chris at 503-836-5142 for more information
We're proud to be on your team and you should be too! One of the many benefits of being a chamber member is that consumers actually prefer members. Click here to watch a short video on why.
You'll receive a Chamber Member window decal in your welcome packet to proudly display your membership. Make sure to prominently place it on your front door or window so consumers can see it when they walk by and enter your business.
Did you know that you can also display your association with us by placing a membership badge on your website? It's super easy! Follow the steps below to let the world know about your membership.
How to Find your Personalized Website Membership Badge:
- Log into your account here.
- After logging into your account, click on 'Company Information' in the left-hand tool bar, and then click on 'Membership Badge'.
- This is where you can copy the HTML text to add to your website to proudly display your chamber membership badge.
Having difficulties finding your online membership badge? Watch this tutorial to help you find your personalized website badge.
We've already announced you as a new member in our newsletter and on social media, but there are other ways for you to get the word out about your new business.
ChamberWorks is the monthly newsletter sent out to the entire Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce membership and additional contacts around the community and state that are interested in knowing what is going on in the area. Use this tool to market your business or organization to your fellow members. Historically, this was sent as a print publication, but is currently distributed by email. We expect to return to print again in 2023.
ChamberChatter is the weekly email newsletter sent out to all our members and additional contacts around the community to publish member-provided news and announcements. This includes the information for upcoming chamber events such as Business After Hours, Networking Breakfast, and local ribbon cuttings.
Here’s how you can be included:
Articles – FREE
Provide an article about anything going on with your business or organization, or even any tale you’d like to share with your member peers.
ChamberWorks: We suggest that you keep your submissions around 200-250 words.
Chamber Chatter: We suggest these shorter notes are up to 150 words and can be linked to your website or a PDF for more information. We do not publish event notifications in the Chamber Chatter. The weekly email does link to our community event calendar, and we encourage our members to post there events directly to the calendar to reach this audience.
Photos – FREE
ChamberWorks: We include photos if space allows. Send in a photo to accompany your article or even a standalone photo with just a short caption for those images that say a thousand words.
Chamber Chatter: Submit your photo to be considered as the header image in our weekly email. Include a brief description or not. Show us the view from your business, your shot of the beauty of our area,
or take us behind the scenes with your crew. Advertisements are not accepted for this placement.
Member of the Month – FREE
ChamberWorks: Reserve this space in an upcoming issue and fill the prime back cover with anything you want to talk about regarding your business or organization. Send with your photo or logo, too. Section can fit about 400 words with average sized photo. Our newsletter editor will format your provided materials and give you a chance to proof. Chamber members can be Member of the Month once every two years. Reserve your space in advance.
Advertisement – $
ChamberWorks: Place your business card size ad in an issue for $20 each month, with a 6-month minimum commitment. Email camera ready art or drop off your business card to scan.
Flyer – $
ChamberWorks: Prepare your own flyer to be inserted into the newsletter. Insert fee is $50, which can be paid upon delivery of the fliers to the chamber or invoiced later. Currently, while this publication is being digitally distributed, we only ask for the PDF file, no paper copies are required. Flyers should be reserved by the 20th of the month prior to publication, but we can be flexible during this digital time.
Important: These services are available as a benefit to chamber members only, so please make sure the member who is providing the article, ad, or flyer is easily identifiable in the provided material.
To submit your news or photos for our publications, please keep these deadlines in mind.
Monthly Chamber Works: Due on the 15th by End of Day (i.e., May 15 for June issue)
Weekly Chamber Chatter: Due Wednesdays by End of Day
All submissions should be emailed to Regina Willkie. To learn more about how to spotlight your business or organization in our publications, click here.
To access our archive for all past weekly and monthly newsletters, click here.
Questions? Need access to a publication not shown in this archive? Contact the Publication Editor Regina Willkie or call (503) 325-6311.
Did you know you can create job listings through our website? This is one of the many benefits you have being a member of the chamber!
How to submit a Job Posting
1. Log into your account here.
2. Click on Job Postings on the left hand shortcuts list
3. Once on the Job Posting page you can see the current Job Postings, Add Job Posting and Manage Job Posting buttons. The ability to add or manage a Job Posting is managed by your
4. Click the 'Add Job Posting' button and start filling in the required fields, for example:
- In the 'Title' box - Enter the Job Posting title
- In the 'Description' box - Enter the Job Description
- In the dropdown 'Category' selection - Choose the Category you would like the Job Posting to be found under
- Review your organization information and update any information as needed.
- Pick active dates - Select the dates you would like to have this Job Posting active on the website.
- Load in your business logo to show on the Job Posting
5. Submit for approval by clicking the 'Submit for Approval' button.
Manage Job Postings
After you have submitted a Job Posting you are able to see if it has been approved or make updates to any pending Job Postings. After your Job Posting has been approved you will need to contact your chamber/association to make any updates or changes.
Having difficulties? Watch our tutorial on how to post a job opening..
One of the benefits we offer with your membership is the opportunity to share special discounts or “Hot Deals” with other members and your community. You can also offer Member to Member Deals that are exclusive to your fellow chamber members.
How to add a hot deal:
- Log into your account here.
- Click on Hot Deals or Member to Member Deals on the left hand shortcuts list.
- Click Add Hot Deal and start filling in the required fields.
- Enter in the Title
- Enter in a Tagline or your motto
- Select a Category from the list of available categories.
- Enter in the Details of the Hot Deal Description – In the description box you can enter in the full details of the Hot Deal
- The Short Description if a small bit of information you can share when your Hot Deal is being shown in list format on the website.
- The Offer Start Date and Offer End Date are how long the offer is good for.
- Search Results Logo – In this area you can add in your company logo. This will be seen when the Hot Deals are being seen in list form on the website.
- Contact – You can enter in the Email Address that should be used when someone would like additional information. The Email Link Text is the custom test you can add to cover your email address. For example in the Email Link Text you can enter click here to email your questions.
- Website Address – This is the where you can add in a URL for them to visit to get more information. This could be your home page or a specific page of your website. Website Link Text allows for custom text to appear instead of the URL.
- Phone – This is the phone number you would like listed on the Hot Deal
- Active Dates – This is the length of time you would like the Hot Deal to run on the website. Publish Start Date is the date that the Hot Deal will first appear on the website, and Publish End Date is the last day that it will appear. This date may be different than the Offer Start and End dates. An example of how you would use these two is if the offer is good for one month, but you only want to make it available to print for two weeks
5. Once you have all of the fields filled in you can either choose Save as Draft so you can come in and make changes before submitting it for approval, or you could choose Submit and it will be sent to the chamber/association for review and approval. Cancel will cancel the creation without saving.
How to Add Member To Member Deals:
When entering a Member to Member Deal you would click on the Member to Member Deals option. After clicking on the Member to Member Deals option follow the steps listed in #4 above.
How to manage your Hot Deals or Member to Member Deals:
In either option you can click the Manage button and this will open up your Current and past Hot Deals or Member to Member Deals. This area will also allow you to see what is active and what is still pending approval from your chamber/association.
Having difficulties? Watch this tutorial to help you create a hot deal.
We understand that marketing is important and we're here to help! Here are a few options we offer that you can take advantage of:
Advertise in the Astoria Warrenton Information Center
Bring in your 4" x 9" information cards to display at the Information Center.
Host a Chamber Event
We have available dates for hosting either the Business After Hours or the Chamber Breakfast. This is a great opportunity to share your story about your business or organization with other members. To learn more about this chance to put yourself in the spotlight, call Chris at 503-325-6311 or email him.
For more info, see Networking Events page.
Share your News
Visit our Chamber Communications page to see an archive of our publications:
- ChamberWorks is published monthly on the 1st. (currently emailed as a PDF)
- Chamber Chatter is sent weekly by email on Thursday afternoon.
To submit your news or photos for our publications, please keep these deadlines in mind:
- Monthly ChamberWorks: Due on the 15th by End of Day (i.e. Mar. 15 for Apr. issue)
- Weekly Chamber Chatter: Due Wednesdays by End of Day
Submissions should be emailed to Regina Willkie. To learn more about how to spotlight your business or organization in our publications, click here.
Provide an insert to ride with our monthly newsletter. Provide us with 600 inserts, 8.5 by 11 inch size and for a small cost your insert will be mailed to our newsletter receivers. Reserve your position by the 20th of the month prior to insertion. (Currently due to COVID-19 impacts, the newsletter is being sent by email so we do not need the printed copies at this time..)
Offer a Deal
Promote your products and services today to fellow Chamber members with an exclusive Member-to-Member deal. Don’t forget! Browse the offers to take advantage of savings, discounts, and deals available exclusively to you as a Chamber of Commerce member.
Or, post a Hot Deal that can be seen and claimed by anyone visiting our website to attract new customers and clients.
Advertise in the Astoria Warrenton Chamber Visitor Guide
This is our primary fulfillment piece for visitor requests by mail, used by our front desk crew at our visitor center and supplied to many local businesses and other visitor centers in Oregon and Washington. If you are not familiar with it, please stop by the office to pick up a copy or view it online here. The Chamber Visitor Guide includes the well-loved visitor maps, alphabetical directory of lodging and dining members, list of the area attractions and much more.
There are a limited number of advertising spaces available. Members interested in advertising in the brochure can sign up to be contacted when our next edition is in the works by calling (503) 325-6311 or emailing Regina Willkie.
The Chamber's Leaders Circle (LC) supports Chamber staff in promoting a healthy local economy. The LC works to expand visibility and influence for the Chamber while developing business and communications skills for Leaders Circle members. The LC is a prestigious and exclusive group of community leaders that want to take their skills to the next level while connecting more with the Astoria – Warrenton community - all while having a great time. In addition to supporting the Chamber, Leaders Circle members will participate in specialized trainings in marketing, communications, leadership, community relations, customer service, networking, and so much more.
Being part of the Leaders Circle is an excellent way to make local connections, learn about local industries and trends, hone leadership skills, and generally increase your firm's visibility and influence in the local business community. Leaders Circle members must be principals or appointed members' employees in good standing with the Chamber, so don't forget those standout employees! Everyone is welcome who is looking to learn, grow, and support the community.
Meetings are on the first Wednesday of every other month and hosted at a different member location. There is a tour of a member facility in the month between our meetings, and we have a Community Engagement Program that supports a member non-profit each year.
Click here to apply or contact Chris, AWACC Membership Coordinator, by email or call the Chamber at (503) 325-6311.
Save the dates! The Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce produces four annual community events.
The chamber hosts several amazing annual events, and members can participate in a variety of ways. Donate a prize package or gift basket to the Chamber Annual Meeting & Banquet to showcase your products or services. Get a discount on booth space if you're accepted as a vendor at the Astoria Warrenton Crab, Seafood & Wine Festival. Join the list of businesses participating in the Great Columbia Crossing 10K "Clam Bucks" program and entice racers to visit your shop or restaurant. Become an event sponsor to promote your business as part of our event marketing.
Click here to learn more about how to become a sponsor, or to sign up, contact David Reid at 503 325-6311
Do you host an event? Add it to our event calendar using the public submission form or login to your member dashboard for more listing options.
Visit our community events calendar for a complete list of activities and events all year long
Invest in the Community: Become a President’s Circle Sponsor
As we look forward to getting back on track economically and socially, many are examining ways to support the community. If you or your business are ready to make the next step, we ask you to consider President’s Circle Sponsorship with the Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce. The four levels of sponsorship provide a way for a member business or organization at any financial level to be a part in helping to make a difference. Each level also provides benefits in appreciation for your support.
Benefits for all President’s Circle Sponsors include:
- business name or logo placed on select event promotional material, including Great Columbia Crossing participant T-shirts for Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsors.
- banner being displayed at major AWACC events
- company name displayed in the Chamber weekly and monthly publications
- name listed on Chamber website with link to your URL
Go to our President's Circle page to see details on additional benefits for each level. The Chamber also has full or partial sponsorships available to support our annual events that can be customized to suit your needs and the event.
Platinum Level
- Membership dues included
- Four (4) complimentary tickets to the Annual Banquet
- Six (6) complimentary registrations for the Great Columbia Crossing 10k run/walk
- Twenty (20) complimentary tickets to the Crab, Seafood & Wine Festival
- Complimentary inclusion of your business flier in 200 Relocation Packets (Your business provides the fliers)
- Five (5) complimentary business fliers inserted into ChamberWorks (Your business provides the fliers)
Gold Level
- Two (2) complimentary tickets to the Annual Banquet
- Four (4) complimentary registrations for the Great Columbia Crossing 10k run/walk
- Fifteen (15) complimentary tickets to the Crab, Seafood & Wine Festival
- Complimentary inclusion of your business flier in 150 Relocation Packets (Your business provides the fliers)
- Three (3) complimentary business fliers inserted into ChamberWorks (Your business provides the fliers)
Silver Level
- Two (2) complimentary tickets to the Annual Banquet
- Two (2) complimentary registrations for the Great Columbia Crossing 10k run/walk
- Ten (10) complimentary tickets to the Crab, Seafood & Wine Festival
- Complimentary inclusion of your business flier in 100 Relocation Packets (Your business provides the fliers)
- Two (2) complimentary business fliers inserted into ChamberWorks (Your business provides the fliers)
Bronze Level
- Two (2) complimentary tickets to the Annual Banquet
- Two (2) complimentary registrations for the Great Columbia Crossing 10k run/walk
- Five (5) complimentary tickets to the Crab, Seafood & Wine Festival
- Complimentary inclusion of your business flier in 100 Relocation Packets (Your business provides the fliers)
- One (1) complimentary business flier inserted into ChamberWorks (Your business provides the fliers)
For more information about the President's Circle sponsorship program, or to sign up, please contact David Reid at 503 325-6311
Membership Application
Not a member yet? Joining the Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce couldn't be easier.
Print out this application and send it to Chris, our Manager of Connections and Partnerships.