Small Business Season: Attracting Gen Z
This year, there are approximately 69.31 million Generation Zers living in the United States, which constitutes about 20% of the U.S. population. Their generational cohort is between the ages of 12-27, making them a target market for many small businesses. If you’re one of those businesses and you’re looking for ways to become one of…
Small Business Season: Good Advice for Offering Great Deals
There are a lot of political pundits who believe the election came down to the economy this year. And while we’re not looking to start any disagreements about whether it went the way it should’ve or not, we can’t discount the importance of the financial strain in the country and its impact on holiday shopping.…
25 Tips to Increase Foot Traffic for Your Business
You have a great business. You offer items/services everyone needs, yet you’re struggling to get people in the door. What can you do? You need traffic to increase sales, whether that’s online or in-person. If your business is struggling to bring in customers, you know that has to change if you’re going to survive. While…
Small Business Season: Holiday Nostalgia
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Cozy lights, warm smells, family nearby, and cheap gifts from mystery sellers online, right? Not so fast! While the convenience of online giants can’t be denied, small businesses have a secret weapon: the power of nostalgia, tradition, and beloved memories. This holiday season, you can tap into those…
Small Business Season: Holiday Gift Card Strategies
Gift cards are the ideal gift during the holiday season. They’re a convenient go-to for customers. They always fit, are always in the right color, and they are an ideal gift for people you know well and people you’re just getting to know. Gift cards also make terrific employee gifts, thank yous and bonuses. If…
Small Business Season: How to Run an Effective “12 Days of Deals”
While the twelve days of Christmas are traditionally celebrated between December 25 (Christmas Day) and January 5 (the eve of the Epiphany), consumer businesses often celebrate with the “12 Days of Deals” observance where they offer a new deal every day for twelve days leading up to Christmas Eve (although any 12 consecutive days during…
Small Business Season: It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
What does nearly every feel-good holiday movie have in common? A small business owner, of course! And that’s because there’s something magical about following your dreams and being part of a community. If you think back to some of your most cherished holiday memories, they probably revolve around your favorite winter activity, meeting up with…
4 Simple Management Tasks to Make More of Your Limited Time
If you ask anyone over the age of 20 what the date is, after telling you, they will probably say something to you about how quickly time flies. How it seems like only yesterday it was _____. This is especially true when you own a business. There never seems to be enough time in the…
15+ Questions to Identify Your Ideal Client
If you are in a client services business (especially one where your clients might return over and over), one of the best things you can do to set yourself up for success is to understand who you want to work with and who aligns with your skills and talent. If you’re just starting off, or…
Breaking the Burnout Cycle for Small Business Success
Business ownership is often romanticized as a thrilling combo ride of passion, innovation, and drive where one can wear a hoodie and hang out playing video games all day while money magically flows into your bank account. But anyone in business knows the idea of the effortless hustle or business is about as untrue as being discovered…